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Sunday 10 September 2017

9th September 2017 - Northingales

So after a month off the bank today was supposed to be this seasons penultimate match.
We decided to fish Newhay, a venue we havent fished for a while.
The weather forcast was for thunder and lighting and after waking up at 4.30am it was already raining...
I met Dad at his at 6am and we drove to Newhay.
As we approached the lakes we saw that the car park was quite full and when looking over at the lake it was full of "bivvy boys".
Why oh why would carpers want to fish a course lake that is only 3 foot deep I dont know. There were a dozen of them on the lake all 3 rodding too...
This spoiled our plans as we had to turnaround and go somewhere else. The problem was, most of the lakes around that region weren't due to open for at least another hour so we ended up heading back to Dads and fishing Northingales, just 500m from Dads house.
Northingales is a quiet lake and a lake we normally do terrible on....
Today was no different....
After only 3 hours with the rain teaming down we called it a day.
I caught the only fish of the session, a small skimmer of 1 lb in weight.
Really disappointing fishing trip, however I wasn't feeling very well so was probably wise to only fish the short 3 hour match.
A 5-0 win for me though so I'll take that.
With Dad since pulling out of next weeks final session of the season it means this was to be our last match of the present campaign.
A 29 point winning margin meant I retained my title in emphatic fashion.
Dad took pride winning this years Docklow Trophy though so silverware for both of us.

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