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Sunday 17 September 2017

17th September 2017 - Aston Park (Lilly Lake)

Today was supposed to be the season finale against Dad but he dropped out on match week so I fished alone.
Today would be the last chance I had to fish this season.
With many things planned (including a house move) during the next two months it would be March before getting on the bank again.
I decided to fish Aston Park, Lilly Lake. Id fished it once before a couple of years ago.
With it only being 20 minutes from my Girlfriends house she came along too to keep me company.
After having a bacon sarni for Brekkie I cast in at 8am.
The first 4 hours saw me bank a skimmer and two carp. One was 7 lb and one at 5 lb.
The last 2 hours saw me land a 4 lb carp and I was also snapped once by what felt like a huge fish..
All in all 17 lb for this late in the year I was happy with. The water temperature had dropped significantly so to catch 3 decent carp I was well happy with.

So a big league win against Dad, a few good sessions on my own, a couple of sessions with my Girlfriend watching and a great week at Docklow (even though I lost) meant that this season was a good one.
Yes, we didn't catch as many as other years and yes some of the "new" places we fished we didn't really like but on the flip side lots of fun was had and I also achieved my PB of over 15 lb

Already cant wait for March.........

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